About The Surplus Front
Growing up I was always interested in anything military-related. Like most kids, I played "Army" every time I was outside. My first military item was a Belgian M51 M1 clone helmet without a liner that my Grandfather bought for me when I was about 12 years old. We got it at a small surplus store in Belgium and this store was filled to the brim with surplus which was owned by an old couple. Ever since I would always try to stop by the surplus store whenever we went to Belgium. At times I would spend close to an hour if not more in the store just looking at everything and trying to figure out what to buy. I went enough times that the owners would remember me, despite seeing them once a year. Since then, I have slowly been increasing my militaria collection and have been focusing more on World War 1 and World War 2 items for my collection. But military surplus has always been fun to collect as you can buy affordable militaria that is still plentiful and useable. I've grown up watching people review certain items on YouTube and visiting different surplus stores has always been fun.
Because of all of this, I opened The Surplus Front to share my love of military surplus with everyone else. I want to offer items that can be used for a multitude of things such as hiking, hunting, airsoft, and even fashion. I wear military surplus for almost every occasion if possible. My friends have noticed and some have even complimented me on some of the clothes worn when going out.
Surplus equipment is affordable and useful for almost any occasion. I use to lug an ammo can to middle school as my lunch box even when riding my bike to school. Hats, jackets, bags, canteens, and ammo cans, I've used for everyday life. Although I use military surplus for any occasion, it does not mean you have to as well but my store will help you decide if a certain item will fit the need you require.